Can I apply any products with ozone O3 components before my sauna session?Updated a month ago
SaunaSpace® is not a healthcare provider, and you should speak to your trusted provider before using saunas or ozone. SaunaSpace® does not suggest applying creams, lotions, or oils to the skin during sauna use.
We reached out to Bonnie Friehling, M.D. She is a proponent of NIR sauna therapy and prescribes it to her patients. She gave some usage cases based on the administration technique of Ozone (O³), see below:
- Drink = you can use that during your session.
- Ear insufflation = before / after session.
- IV = before / after session.
- Injection = ideally after session.
- Oil / Skin = after (warning- ozone oil may stain the parts of your SaunaSpace® sauna, this damage is not covered by our warranty.)